Jul. 18 – Technique Session 1
Set-Ups/Tie-Ups (double leg will be used to teach simple set-ups)
Jul. 18 – Technique Session 2
Double Leg: Teaching should incorporate set-ups to get to double leg takedown.
(Clinician may branch into single leg if time allows)
Jul. 19 – Technique Session 1
Single Leg: Teaching should incorporate set-ups to get to single leg.
(Clinician may branch into high crotch if time allows)
Jul. 19 – Technique Session 2
High Crotch: Teaching should incorporate set-ups to get to high crotch.
(Clinician may branch into high crotch if time allows)
Jul. 19 – Technique Session 3
Tight Waist Chop Ankle Breakdown Spiral Breakdown
(Clinician may branch into riding skills if time allows)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 1
Riding Skills
Mat Riding
(Clinician may branch into wrist and half if time allows)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 2
Wrist and Half Bar and Half
(Clinician may branch into wrist and cradle)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 3
Live Session
(Clinician may branch into wrist and cradle)
Jun. 21 – Technique Session 1
Wrist and Cradle
Holding Base
(Clinician may branch into base building)
Jul. 21– Technique Session 2
Base Building
Sealing Off (should use sit-out and stand-up during this session)
Clearing Wrist
(Clinician may branch into sit-out)
Jul. 21– Technique Session 3
(Clinician may branch into stand-up if time allows)
Jul. 22– Technique Session 1
Set-Ups/Tie-Ups (double leg will be used to teach simple set-ups)
- Collar Tie Snap
- Inside Control Circle
- Fake Shot Go
- Touch & Go
- Freeze Fake
- Triceps Snap
- Level Change Go
- Arm Post
- Head Post
Jul. 18 – Technique Session 2
Double Leg: Teaching should incorporate set-ups to get to double leg takedown.
- Explanation of position when in on legs
- Hips and head opposite on finish
- Leg stack finish for count (careful about locking hands)
- Half finish when opponent turns down
(Clinician may branch into single leg if time allows)
Jul. 19 – Technique Session 1
Single Leg: Teaching should incorporate set-ups to get to single leg.
- Explanation of position when in on leg
- Drive up to foot sweep finish
- Running the pipe finish
- Knee to hole load to hip mat finish
(Clinician may branch into high crotch if time allows)
Jul. 19 – Technique Session 2
High Crotch: Teaching should incorporate set-ups to get to high crotch.
- Explanation of position when in on leg
- Drilling mistake during high crotch
- Chang-off finish
- Leg stack for count on high crotch
- Half from belly down
- No change possible big lift
(Clinician may branch into high crotch if time allows)
Jul. 19 – Technique Session 3
Tight Waist Chop Ankle Breakdown Spiral Breakdown
(Clinician may branch into riding skills if time allows)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 1
Riding Skills
Mat Riding
- Proper position when opponent is on knees
- Proper position when opponent is in sit-out
- Proper position when opponent is flat
- Proper position when opponent is in transition
- Motion drills for riding on the mat
- Deep waist lift with hips
- Sliding to double leg
- Bump up to single and return
- Motion drills combination mat and standing rides
(Clinician may branch into wrist and half if time allows)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 2
Wrist and Half Bar and Half
- Slipping into the bar
- Running the half side
- Running the bar side
- Running the bar side stack finish
- Running the bar side chest to chest finish
- Jumping sides between bar and half
- Double bar opening stack
(Clinician may branch into wrist and cradle)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 3
Live Session
(Clinician may branch into wrist and cradle)
Jun. 21 – Technique Session 1
Wrist and Cradle
Holding Base
- Explanation of holding wide base
- Fighting the tight waist
- Fighting the ankle breakdown
- Fighting the spiral breakdown
- Fighting the claw breakdown
- Clearing the ankle hook ride
(Clinician may branch into base building)
Jul. 21– Technique Session 2
Base Building
Sealing Off (should use sit-out and stand-up during this session)
Clearing Wrist
- Do’s and don’ts of clearing wrist
- Spinning wrist from knees
- Clearing 2 on 1 from knees
- Elbow roll to clear 2 on 1
- Clearing 2 on 1 when flat and base build
(Clinician may branch into sit-out)
Jul. 21– Technique Session 3
(Clinician may branch into stand-up if time allows)
Jul. 22– Technique Session 1
Level 2 Camp Videos (videos still being added)
Jul. 18 – Technique Session 1
Set-Ups/Tie-Ups (use all fundamental shots to teach set-ups)
(Clinician may branch into snag single if time permits)
Jul. 18 – Technique Session 2
Snag Single Leg
Far Arm Dump
(Clinician may branch into low single leg if time permits)
Jul. 19– Technique Session 1
Low Single Leg
(Clinician may branch into ankle pick if time permits)
Jul. 19– Technique Session 2
Ankle Pick
Double Leg Builds
(Clinician may branch into riding skills if time permits)
Jul. 19– Technique Session 3
Mat Riding Skills (Skills will focus on teaching wrestlers to wrestle off their butt and to follow during rolling actions across their back)
(Clinician may branch into standing riding skills if time permits)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 2
Offensive Turns
2 on 1 Tilt
(Clinician may branch into tripod stand-up if time permits)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 2
Tripod Stand-Up
Jul. 20– Technique Session 2
Granby Roll
Live Wrestling Session
Jul. 21– Technique Session 1
Defending Legs
Jul. 18 – Technique Session 1
Set-Ups/Tie-Ups (use all fundamental shots to teach set-ups)
- Elbow Pass
- Busy Hands
- Fake & Snap
- Front Headlock Standing
- Underhook
- Wrist & Collar Tie Slide In Underhook
- Inside Control Fake Shot
- Triceps Snap Slide In
(Clinician may branch into snag single if time permits)
Jul. 18 – Technique Session 2
Snag Single Leg
- Snag single leg positioning
- Snag single leg run the pipe finish
- Snag single leg foot sweep
Far Arm Dump
- Far arm dump positioning
- Dump to back with chest to chest finish
(Clinician may branch into low single leg if time permits)
Jul. 19– Technique Session 1
Low Single Leg
- Through the hole no fight quick finish
- Opponent sits on head fight through the hole
- Head into knee lift foot capture hip to finish
(Clinician may branch into ankle pick if time permits)
Jul. 19– Technique Session 2
Ankle Pick
- Ankle pick position and set-up
- Slipping Collar tie to ankle pick
- Underhook to ankle pick
- Underhook to knee pick
Double Leg Builds
- Opponent sprawls change to high crotch
- Opponent sprawls change to single leg
- Opponent sprawls cut across double leg
(Clinician may branch into riding skills if time permits)
Jul. 19– Technique Session 3
Mat Riding Skills (Skills will focus on teaching wrestlers to wrestle off their butt and to follow during rolling actions across their back)
- Tight waist roll
- Tight waist claw
- Follow from crab ride
- Tight waist half roll through
- Opponent hits granby release and capture
- Follow the granby
(Clinician may branch into standing riding skills if time permits)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 2
Offensive Turns
2 on 1 Tilt
- Knee block forward tilt
- Elbow inside crotch tilt trap with leg
- Complete roll through to bar & wrist
(Clinician may branch into tripod stand-up if time permits)
Jul. 20– Technique Session 2
Tripod Stand-Up
- Tripod stand-up positioning
- Tripod stand-up on whistle
- Tripod stand-up to counter opponents ankle hook
Jul. 20– Technique Session 2
Granby Roll
- Proper position on granby
- Granby from tight waist chop
- Granby from opponents transition from the ankle
- Miss switch back to granby
Live Wrestling Session
Jul. 21– Technique Session 1
Defending Legs