Dear Coaches,
In 2007, I created a training program for the Maryland National Team in preparation for the Fargo National Championships. The program contains training regimens for High School wrestlers to help them quickly adapt to both Freestyle and Greco Roman. Approximately 70-80% of high school wrestlers who attended Fargo from the state of Maryland had very little experience training in these styles.
The 13-day program covers essential scoring areas (fundamental areas for each style) that are crucial in creating All-Americans in the international styles of wrestling at Fargo. This is not a comprehensive teaching plan because there is not enough time for that and it is simply not necessary. Freestyle is not that different from Folkstyle. Most athletes only need to make minor adjustments to learn the new style & new rules. We focus on teaching tactics that will be useful to help them score, defend and win. Greco Roman is also not that different from high school wrestling. The focus of the program is not to teach new skills but to use the skills high school wrestlers already have and implement them for success in the new style. For example, our emphasis for Greco Roman is to keep good position and knock the opponents off balance during attacks.
If your team is inexperienced in the international styles the biggest weakness they will face is mat wrestling. Wrestlers need to have solid defense to stop a gutwrench or a leg lace in Freestyle and a gutwrench or a body lift in Greco Roman. Most high school athletes will be able to do well on their feet but trading takedowns with an experienced freestyler can quickly run the score up to 7-1 if the newbie cannot defend a gutwrench. Our first 3-day cycle focuses on mat wrestling to help jumpstart mat defense and this remains an important focus throughout all our training cycles in the warm-up.
Thanks, Cary
Breakdown of training sessions
Warm-Up: I list a variety of things that can be used for a warm-up focusing on skills appropriate for both Freestyle & Greco. Do not attempt to do all of them at once. Use this list to maintain variety and focus on your team’s weak areas during this phase of training sessions.
Technique: This is the area where you put time into getting it right, correcting the mistakes, and drilling it into the muscles. Make sure they have it by the time the session is over.
Live Wrestling: I’m a strong believer in situational wrestling and if there is a focus technique for the first session of the day, it makes sense to wrestle live situations. Do it!
Conditioning: If you are coaching at this level, more than likely, you know what needs to be done. However, do not overlook rest, especially when preparing for and event like Fargo. Too many coaches overwork athletes before national events. Make sure you have them taper off before going to Fargo.
Time of Sessions: Typically, I have a general time of how long a session should take but I would never exceed 2 hours in a technique session or 1.5 hours in a live session. Live sessions ideally are about warm-up and wrestling and should not really exceed 1 hour if the team is pushing.
Off The Mat Time:You will have to be flexible with the schedule and keep the wrestlers off the mat if they are getting burnt out. You may see a morning session and realize you need to cancel the second mat session and go for a run instead. This could be a great boost mentally to your athletes and get them hungry to be back on the mat. You may also switch the schedule and go live in the morning and technique in the afternoon. Keep an eye your athlete’s and use the schedule to keep them fresh.
Training Camp Cycles: It is best to go 3 days on and 1 day off in training camp. However, if that schedule is not possible break the training into small cycles with breaks in between. You’ll find you get much more accomplished when athletes have a day to rest, renew their energy and digest the lessons of the previous cycle.
Alternation Greco & Freestyle: Most states push for both styles and on Maryland’s Team 95% wrestled both styles. Our plan alternates days between Freestyle and Greco. There is not a great benefit for 3 days of one style and then 3 days of the other style. The athletes that are wrestling both styles but mentally focused on one particular style will feel limited and frustrated with 3 days of the same style. Alternating days between styles keeps the camp pace high and I find that it works best for most athletes.
KOLAT.COM Clips: Some of the technique sessions are tied into the KOLAT.COM library as a guide for coaches. You can choose to stick directly with the clips but obviously training sessions usually lead to a variety of techniques in that focus area. I have also created a playlist for each training phase with more in-depth coverage of techniques that will help you supplement training sessions. We do not currently have Greco included in the KOLAT.COM library but as I said earlier this team was green so we stuck to what we already knew to win matches in this style.
Competing at Fargo
Here are some things to keep in mind for new coaches and athletes to Fargo. Wrestlers who are at the top of their game will not wear down as much as your newbie’s. They have the experience of wrestling here before and if they are technically superior they will finish matches within two periods and not be involved in as many dogfights. Newbie’s will battle just about every round and it’s important that this is talked about prior to the event with a checklist in mind for them to follow. Below is and example of a guide to keep them motivated, energy level high, and prepare them for what they are in for. Fargo is a marathon plain and simple for a newbie and placing in this event is not just about how good of a wrestler you are but also about how smart you are when enduring the amount of matches you are going to face:
___ 5 min cool down to push lactic acid out of muscles after the first 3 matches, when you get to bouts 4 and up you will need about 2-3 minutes (begin to conserve energy).
___ Have energy boosting bars, fruit, etc on you at all times, eat after every single bout if you find yourself hungry then it’s too late your energy level is depleted.
___ Find a place to sleep between bouts for 20-30 minutes, early rounds you will have more time between bouts but things will pick up as the tournament moves on so make sure team members know where you are if they call you to a mat.
___ Make sure you force yourself to warm-up with early rounds needing more, and later rounds needing less.
___ Do not focus on your weight, if you are in both styles we will handle this when it is time to weigh-in for the next style. Keep your mind in the event we are currently wrestling.
___ Every single day will be long if you are still in the tournament, recognize this and don’t get frustrated and waste energy on when you will be coming up.
___ Not only must you be skilled you must be willing to push yourself every time we wrestle, in the later rounds the mentally tough, and those willing to continue push in bout 7 of day will come out on top.
Training Camp #1 (3 Days)
Day #1 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Gutwrench / Ankle Lace
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Some teaching of gut defense needs to be added so partner gives the correct look with drilling. Gut Offense:
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Situational wrestling is key when learning to execute the gut or defend the gut. You should vary positions and times to make sure they are getting it:
Day #2 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Controlling Ties for Corner / Gutwrench
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Will work Greco stance and attacking ties to gain corners on opponent along with gut offense/defense:
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Matches working for score or push-out points. Clinch strategy should be talked about in warm-up if your losing you need to come up and out:
Day #3 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Gutwrench / Ankle Lace
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
When teaching ankle lace make sure partner is giving the correct look with his defense. You may need to cover defense back to back when teaching the offense:
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Situational wrestling is key when learning to execute the gut or defend the gut. You should vary positions and times to make sure they are getting it:
Day #1 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Covering of 3 point moves & Coaches Choice
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Day #2 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Covering of 3-point moves – basic takedowns to 3-point finishes
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Technique (Important: this area is broad and most wrestlers need educated on high scoring techniques from basic shots. Use the Turning the basic takedowns into 3-point moves library for a better understanding.)
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Day #3 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Rev Gut Offense
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Day #4 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Wrestling out of overhook/underhook on edge
Duration: 1 hr
Warm-Up – 15 min
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Technique – 30 min
Day #4 – Session 2
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling – competition focused practice
Day #1 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Reverse Lift
Duration: 1.5 hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling – all mat wrestling
Training Camp #3 (2 Days)
Day #2 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Counter offense skills – crotch lift, etc…
Duration: 1 hr
Warm-Up – 15 min
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Technique – 30 min
Day #4 – Session 2
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling – match scenarios
Day #1 – Session 1
Greco Focus: High Dive Attacks
Duration: 1.5 hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling – Every warm-up is on your own (line up 3 partners for matches, singlet’s mandatory, coaches officiate)
Training Camp #4 (4 Days)
Day #2 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: 3 Freestyle Matches
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Warm-Up -- Every warm-up is on your own (line up 3 partners for matches, singlet’s mandatory, coaches officiate)
Day #2 – Session 2
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
Training Camp #4 (4 Days)
Day #3 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
Training Camp #4 (4 Days)
Day #4 – Session 1
Freestyle and Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
Freestyle and Greco Focus: Coaches practice
Duration: 1.5hrs
Warm-Up – Coaches
Technique -- Coaches
Copyright © 2013
In 2007, I created a training program for the Maryland National Team in preparation for the Fargo National Championships. The program contains training regimens for High School wrestlers to help them quickly adapt to both Freestyle and Greco Roman. Approximately 70-80% of high school wrestlers who attended Fargo from the state of Maryland had very little experience training in these styles.
The 13-day program covers essential scoring areas (fundamental areas for each style) that are crucial in creating All-Americans in the international styles of wrestling at Fargo. This is not a comprehensive teaching plan because there is not enough time for that and it is simply not necessary. Freestyle is not that different from Folkstyle. Most athletes only need to make minor adjustments to learn the new style & new rules. We focus on teaching tactics that will be useful to help them score, defend and win. Greco Roman is also not that different from high school wrestling. The focus of the program is not to teach new skills but to use the skills high school wrestlers already have and implement them for success in the new style. For example, our emphasis for Greco Roman is to keep good position and knock the opponents off balance during attacks.
If your team is inexperienced in the international styles the biggest weakness they will face is mat wrestling. Wrestlers need to have solid defense to stop a gutwrench or a leg lace in Freestyle and a gutwrench or a body lift in Greco Roman. Most high school athletes will be able to do well on their feet but trading takedowns with an experienced freestyler can quickly run the score up to 7-1 if the newbie cannot defend a gutwrench. Our first 3-day cycle focuses on mat wrestling to help jumpstart mat defense and this remains an important focus throughout all our training cycles in the warm-up.
Thanks, Cary
Breakdown of training sessions
Warm-Up: I list a variety of things that can be used for a warm-up focusing on skills appropriate for both Freestyle & Greco. Do not attempt to do all of them at once. Use this list to maintain variety and focus on your team’s weak areas during this phase of training sessions.
Technique: This is the area where you put time into getting it right, correcting the mistakes, and drilling it into the muscles. Make sure they have it by the time the session is over.
Live Wrestling: I’m a strong believer in situational wrestling and if there is a focus technique for the first session of the day, it makes sense to wrestle live situations. Do it!
Conditioning: If you are coaching at this level, more than likely, you know what needs to be done. However, do not overlook rest, especially when preparing for and event like Fargo. Too many coaches overwork athletes before national events. Make sure you have them taper off before going to Fargo.
Time of Sessions: Typically, I have a general time of how long a session should take but I would never exceed 2 hours in a technique session or 1.5 hours in a live session. Live sessions ideally are about warm-up and wrestling and should not really exceed 1 hour if the team is pushing.
Off The Mat Time:You will have to be flexible with the schedule and keep the wrestlers off the mat if they are getting burnt out. You may see a morning session and realize you need to cancel the second mat session and go for a run instead. This could be a great boost mentally to your athletes and get them hungry to be back on the mat. You may also switch the schedule and go live in the morning and technique in the afternoon. Keep an eye your athlete’s and use the schedule to keep them fresh.
Training Camp Cycles: It is best to go 3 days on and 1 day off in training camp. However, if that schedule is not possible break the training into small cycles with breaks in between. You’ll find you get much more accomplished when athletes have a day to rest, renew their energy and digest the lessons of the previous cycle.
Alternation Greco & Freestyle: Most states push for both styles and on Maryland’s Team 95% wrestled both styles. Our plan alternates days between Freestyle and Greco. There is not a great benefit for 3 days of one style and then 3 days of the other style. The athletes that are wrestling both styles but mentally focused on one particular style will feel limited and frustrated with 3 days of the same style. Alternating days between styles keeps the camp pace high and I find that it works best for most athletes.
KOLAT.COM Clips: Some of the technique sessions are tied into the KOLAT.COM library as a guide for coaches. You can choose to stick directly with the clips but obviously training sessions usually lead to a variety of techniques in that focus area. I have also created a playlist for each training phase with more in-depth coverage of techniques that will help you supplement training sessions. We do not currently have Greco included in the KOLAT.COM library but as I said earlier this team was green so we stuck to what we already knew to win matches in this style.
Competing at Fargo
Here are some things to keep in mind for new coaches and athletes to Fargo. Wrestlers who are at the top of their game will not wear down as much as your newbie’s. They have the experience of wrestling here before and if they are technically superior they will finish matches within two periods and not be involved in as many dogfights. Newbie’s will battle just about every round and it’s important that this is talked about prior to the event with a checklist in mind for them to follow. Below is and example of a guide to keep them motivated, energy level high, and prepare them for what they are in for. Fargo is a marathon plain and simple for a newbie and placing in this event is not just about how good of a wrestler you are but also about how smart you are when enduring the amount of matches you are going to face:
___ 5 min cool down to push lactic acid out of muscles after the first 3 matches, when you get to bouts 4 and up you will need about 2-3 minutes (begin to conserve energy).
___ Have energy boosting bars, fruit, etc on you at all times, eat after every single bout if you find yourself hungry then it’s too late your energy level is depleted.
___ Find a place to sleep between bouts for 20-30 minutes, early rounds you will have more time between bouts but things will pick up as the tournament moves on so make sure team members know where you are if they call you to a mat.
___ Make sure you force yourself to warm-up with early rounds needing more, and later rounds needing less.
___ Do not focus on your weight, if you are in both styles we will handle this when it is time to weigh-in for the next style. Keep your mind in the event we are currently wrestling.
___ Every single day will be long if you are still in the tournament, recognize this and don’t get frustrated and waste energy on when you will be coming up.
___ Not only must you be skilled you must be willing to push yourself every time we wrestle, in the later rounds the mentally tough, and those willing to continue push in bout 7 of day will come out on top.
Training Camp #1 (3 Days)
Day #1 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Gutwrench / Ankle Lace
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Some teaching of gut defense needs to be added so partner gives the correct look with drilling. Gut Offense:
- Mid level gutwrench explanation
- Jumping sides when opponent defenses
- Driving over shoulder for trap arm gutwrench
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Situational wrestling is key when learning to execute the gut or defend the gut. You should vary positions and times to make sure they are getting it:
- :20 sec. go’s no lock (5x each man)
- :20 sec. go’s with lock (5x each man)
- :20 sec. go’s 1 arm under (5x each man)
- :30 sec. go’s no lock (5x each man)
- 1 match if makes sense on time
- Push-out drill
- Sprints
- Tripod hold
Day #2 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Controlling Ties for Corner / Gutwrench
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Will work Greco stance and attacking ties to gain corners on opponent along with gut offense/defense:
- On own position drill Greco
- Wrist drags, elbow drags
- Duck from hook & wrist
- Gut offense clinch
- Gut defense drill
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Matches working for score or push-out points. Clinch strategy should be talked about in warm-up if your losing you need to come up and out:
- Match 1
- Match 2
- Match 3
- Rev lift teaching
- Rev lift conditioning drill
- Rev lift live go’s (time coaches choice)
Day #3 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Gutwrench / Ankle Lace
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
When teaching ankle lace make sure partner is giving the correct look with his defense. You may need to cover defense back to back when teaching the offense:
- Attacking the knees not the ankles
- Roll under finish
- Leg lace traditional step over
- Opponent raises lock lace through crotch
- Knee block capture
- Fall back finish
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
Situational wrestling is key when learning to execute the gut or defend the gut. You should vary positions and times to make sure they are getting it:
- :20 sec. go’s mat with :10 sec break for total of 10 mins
- Match 1
- Match 2
- :20 sec. clinch go’s (8 each man)
- Transitional drill to turn 5 min each man
Day #1 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Covering of 3 point moves & Coaches Choice
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
- Arm throw
- Front head
- Body lock
- Trap arm body lock
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
- :20 sec go’s starting with body lock (5 min total)
- Match 1
- Match 3
- Coaches choice if he wants more live wrestling added
- Coaches choice
Day #2 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Covering of 3-point moves – basic takedowns to 3-point finishes
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Technique (Important: this area is broad and most wrestlers need educated on high scoring techniques from basic shots. Use the Turning the basic takedowns into 3-point moves library for a better understanding.)
- Snag singles to 3 point finishes – leg inside/outside finishes
- Singles on the mat – build up to feet 3 pt finishes
- Singles to underhooks – headlocks, front head
- Defending high singles to overhook – headlocks, front head
- Arm throw standing
- Arm throw knees
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
- :20 sec go’s starting with leg up—inside, outside, middle (10 min total)
- 20 min open wrestling (coaches will take practice over if not working hard)
- Partner carries and crawls
Day #3 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Rev Gut Offense
Duration: 1.5 – 2hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
- Reverse lift – offense as lead in to teaching defense
- Rev lift defense – heavy on lock, constantly moving, circling out of lock, head in the middle
- Rev lift defense – come to feet and re-lock
- Hard drilling – drags, ducks, body locks,
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling
- :20 sec go’s starting with rev gut lock (10 min total)
- 20 min open wrestling (coaches will take practice over if not working hard)
- Coaches choice
Day #4 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Wrestling out of overhook/underhook on edge
Duration: 1 hr
Warm-Up – 15 min
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Technique – 30 min
- Strategy drilling from overhook & underhook on edge in this position
- Throwing from the underhook:
- Throw from the overhook:
- Defending high singles to overhook – headlocks, front head, arm throw
Day #4 – Session 2
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling – competition focused practice
- 20/30 min warm up – whatever you need to get focused and ready
- singlet’s mandatory
- Match 1
- Match 2
- Match 3
- Drill OYO transition to turns
- Edge work, push outs
- Coaches choice
Day #1 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Reverse Lift
Duration: 1.5 hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- Reverse lift – review offense as lead in to teaching defense
- Rev lift defense – heavy on lock, constantly moving, circling out of lock, head in the middle
- Rev lift defense – come to feet and re-lock
- Hard drilling – drags, ducks, body locks,
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling – all mat wrestling
- :30 sec go’s, :20 sec rest
- starts with lock
- starts with no lock
- starts with lock standing
Training Camp #3 (2 Days)
Day #2 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: Counter offense skills – crotch lift, etc…
Duration: 1 hr
Warm-Up – 15 min
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- At any time coach may add on your own drilling feet or mat
Technique – 30 min
- Crotch lift
- defend high crotch with waist roll
- Chest lock
- Defend single leg with all of the above
- Front head lock roll, front head spin
- Basic defense – stopping shots and re-attacking
Day #4 – Session 2
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling – match scenarios
- Down by 1, up by 1 :30 sec go’s
- Down by 2 pointer, up by 2 pointer :30 sec go’s
- Down by 3 pointer, up by 3 pointer 1 min go’s
- Tripod holds :15 sec holds 2.5 min each man
- Sprints
Day #1 – Session 1
Greco Focus: High Dive Attacks
Duration: 1.5 hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
- Drill OYO
- Cover high dive shot (Greco double)
- From drags, pass, chop, post
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- Jog/Tumble - Sprints - Tripod Drill - Back Step Drill
- Push-Out Drill - Rev Lifts - Crawls/Carries - Position Drill
- Gutwrench Off/Def - Shadow Wrestling - Partner Stretch - Pummeling
Live Wrestling – Every warm-up is on your own (line up 3 partners for matches, singlet’s mandatory, coaches officiate)
- Match 1
- Match 2
- Match 3
- Weight control if needed
- On your own or with a coach
Training Camp #4 (4 Days)
Day #2 – Session 1
Freestyle Focus: 3 Freestyle Matches
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Warm-Up -- Every warm-up is on your own (line up 3 partners for matches, singlet’s mandatory, coaches officiate)
- 20/30 min warm up on your own
- coaches give mat assignments
- Match 1
- Match 2
- Match 3
- Weight control on your own or with a coach
Day #2 – Session 2
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- 20/30 min warm up on your own
- coaches give mat assignments
- Match 1
- Match 2
- Match 3
- Weight control on your own or with a coach
Training Camp #4 (4 Days)
Day #3 – Session 1
Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- 20/30 min warm up on your own
- coaches give mat assignments
- Match 1
- Match 2
- Match 3
- Weight control on your own or with a coach
Freestyle Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- 20/30 min warm up on your own
- coaches give mat assignments
- Match 1
- Match 2
- Match 3
- Weight control on your own or with a coach
Training Camp #4 (4 Days)
Day #4 – Session 1
Freestyle and Greco Focus: Live Training Session
Duration: 1.5hrs
- 20/30 min warm up on your own
- coaches give mat assignments
- Match 1 Freestyle
- Match 2 Greco
- Match 3 Freestyle
- Weight control on your own or with a coach
Freestyle and Greco Focus: Coaches practice
Duration: 1.5hrs
Warm-Up – Coaches
Technique -- Coaches
- Cover whatever might have been missed
- Reinforce match Strategy
- Motivate!
- Weight control on your own or with a coach
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