User Name: jduram
Coaching Background (level, year exp., etc.): High School
Training Level: High School
Wrestling Style: Collegiate
Session Goal: Front Headlock
Approx. Warm-Up Time: 10 min
Warm-Up Design: B Wrestling Warm-up Routine
Practice Jog in Mat Circle
Attack Steps – duck walk Power Shot Circle and Shoot Knee Slide across mat Sprawl Front & Back Rolls Cartwheels Half Step Drill Partner up for Spin Drill
Approx. Technique/Drilling Time: 40 min
Technique/Drilling Design: Call out Period 10 min: Coach calls out tie-up positions and athletes must hit their preferred takedowns from each tie-up:
Front Headlock Feet:
Technique Period 30 min
Clips Used:
Approx. Live Wrestling: 40 min
Live Wrestling Design: Live drilling situations: all 20 second go. A hits position first, then B will go the next 20 seconds. Live once in position:
A/B has 1 wrist on feet -Easy-in, hard-out:
Approx. Conditioning Time: 10 min
Conditioning Design: 10 minute jog around indoor track or wrestling room. Every 2 minutes wrestlers must hit 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups, 10 pull-ups then keep running.
Total Practice Time Approx. 90 Minutes
Copyright © 2015 LLC
Coaching Background (level, year exp., etc.): High School
Training Level: High School
Wrestling Style: Collegiate
Session Goal: Front Headlock
Approx. Warm-Up Time: 10 min
Warm-Up Design: B Wrestling Warm-up Routine
Practice Jog in Mat Circle
- Jog (2 laps)
- Active stance– ½ lap (hand blocking, setups)
- Jog– 1 lap
- Active stance– ½ lap (hand blocking, setups)
- Jog– 1 lap 20 Pushups - together 20 crunches - together Neck Bridges: Forehead, back of head, ears
- Knee Tucks- ½ mat length
- Hip open- ½ mat length
- Over the fence/under the fence- ½ mat length & switch
- Backward lunge step- ½ mat length
- Lunge rotation- ½ mat length
- Lunge extension (reach for sky)- ½ mat length
- Russian kicks- ½ mat length Lines (for following progressions)
Attack Steps – duck walk Power Shot Circle and Shoot Knee Slide across mat Sprawl Front & Back Rolls Cartwheels Half Step Drill Partner up for Spin Drill
Approx. Technique/Drilling Time: 40 min
Technique/Drilling Design: Call out Period 10 min: Coach calls out tie-up positions and athletes must hit their preferred takedowns from each tie-up:
- Collar Tie Meathook
- Collar Tie Wrist
- Underhook
- Overhook
- Double Underhook
Front Headlock Feet:
- Russian 2 on 1
- Single Wrist
- Double Wrists
- No-tie (tap and go or post and go series)
Technique Period 30 min
Clips Used:
- Front Headlock Collar Tie Capture
- Front Headlock Mat Finish Collar Tie Wrist
- Front Headlock Motion Rule
- Front Headlock Pull Block Spin
- Front Headlock Shuck
- Front Headlock to Nearside Cradle
Approx. Live Wrestling: 40 min
Live Wrestling Design: Live drilling situations: all 20 second go. A hits position first, then B will go the next 20 seconds. Live once in position:
- A/B Swing Single leg live on finish
- A/B: Single in air, opponent has whizzer and beating on head
- A/B: Snapdown - Front Headlock: head in hole live
- A/B top/Bottom: must hit hip heist
- Ab/B: 1 leg in
- A/B: 2 Legs in
- A/B: base with half on neck
- A/B: Wing and bar arm
- A/B: Wing and tight waist
- A/B: Wing and tight waist from sit out
- A/B: 1 leg in
- A/B has 2 on 1 belly
A/B has 1 wrist on feet -Easy-in, hard-out:
- Single hi from meathook/collar tie-whizzer (x2) score: down by 1, down by 2, down by 5
- Top, bottom, feet, -A/B top/Bottom -Easy-in, hard-out: Swing single whizzer (x2)
- A/B top/Bottom – bottom man sat-out
- A/B top/bottom – live once bottom has stood up
- A/B:on knees with underhook (1 or 2)
- Front-headlock: must start running head in hole (cradle, go behind, shuck)
- A/B top/bottom – live once bottom has stood up
- A/B top/Bottom – bottom man satout
- A/B has Meathooks
- A/B: Russian 2on1
- A/B: Underhook and overhook
- A/B: double underhook -Easy-in, hard-out: Swing single whizzer (x2)
- A/B top/Bottom -Easy-in, hard-out: Single, once locked = live
- A/B: live -Easy-in, hard-out: single hi leg between his legs (x2)
- A/B: ¼ nelson
- A/B: Snapdown - Front Headlock: head in hole live
- A/B has inside collar tie/wrist
- A/B: Bundle
- A/B has Overhook vs. underhook
- A/B top/Bottom: must stand up
- True live: Little weights go for 30 seconds while Big rest, then Big go for 30 seconds while Little’s Rest. 15 minutes.
Approx. Conditioning Time: 10 min
Conditioning Design: 10 minute jog around indoor track or wrestling room. Every 2 minutes wrestlers must hit 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups, 10 pull-ups then keep running.
Total Practice Time Approx. 90 Minutes
Copyright © 2015 LLC
Front Headlock Training Session |